Bundle-Up. During the summer of 2018, our volunteer activities...
During the
summer of 2018, our volunteer activities in Tibet were in full swing. Our theme
for 2018 was Bundle Up with the goal to clothe as many Tibetan orphans
as possible. Joining our returning group from previous years, new student
volunteers from Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shanghai, and the US pledged their assistance
to our cause. Through hard work and teamwork, cotton-padded shirts, trousers,
and jackets were collected through donations to ensure warmth throughout the
harsh Tibetan winters.
To extend our reach, we used a Chinese social media platform, WeChat, to form donation groups and information pages. In the end, we collected and distributed more than three hundred pieces of clothing to our sisters and brothers in Tibet. Donations poured in from all over China, from Harbin in the north to Guangzhou in the south.
In September, representatives of our team once again returned to Tibet. For this return trip, our team was now better prepared for the rigors of Tibet. Our youngest student, Zion Xu, a sixth-grader at American Heritage School, fought through and overcame his altitude sickness without losing his fiery cheerfulness. Chloe Mao, our group's co-founder, openly displayed her love and care for the children as she played with them during the organized activities. Seeing the children's glowing smiles, made the rigors of the trip and all our efforts more than worth the while. We can only hope that the children will be as warm during the upcoming winter as our hearts were during those days of blissfulness togetherness.